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Spencer's Reluctant Rescuer [Rescue for Hire 9] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove) Page 5
Spencer's Reluctant Rescuer [Rescue for Hire 9] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove) Read online
Page 5
Gabriel had looked at Spencer’s medical records and discovered Spencer had been unresponsive emotionally before Terry had taken him. The doctor stated that he’d been going to give Spencer a few more days to come to grips with his missing eye or anti-depressive medications were going to be prescribed.
Spencer was showing emotions now, and Ruger decided he wanted Spencer’s side of the happenings. He watched a wrinkle appear between Spencer’s eyebrows when he frowned.
“Craig and I were walking across the parking lot of the courthouse when a white van pulled up behind us. It must have been parked somewhere on the lot because it just appeared. There weren’t any squealing tires or something that would have caught our attention that it was coming toward us.” Spencer reached up a finger to scratch the skin under his missing eye. The doctors hadn’t put a patch on the empty socket since Spencer was brought in. “The side door opened, and we were grabbed from behind and thrown into the van.”
Ruger watched Spencer’s finger stop scratching and lightly rub the skin. Now that Ruger was closer he could see that there was something made of clear plastic in the socket.
“They took my utility belt and one of the guys started pounding on me until their leader, Heartland, ordered him to stop.” Spencer tipped his head up. Ruger was astonished that one eye could convey such sadness. “I’ve taken attack victim’s accounts before, and part of me always wondered why they didn’t fight more. Why didn’t they do something to try and get away? I found out the answer to that one as I lay on the floor, wedged between the seats of that van. Nothing I did stopped that man from hitting me as hard as he could. At Heartland’s order, he flipped me over as easily as if I were a child and secured my arms behind my back. I never had a chance.”
“Where’d they take you?” Ruger could see Spencer was getting tired and wanted to find out as much as he could before the man drifted off.
“To a luxurious apartment,” Spencer answered. “Heartland must have just moved in because there wasn’t any furniture in the bedroom they threw us into. Craig’s feet were also secured so he couldn’t do much.” Spencer’s laugh was so bitter Ruger could almost taste it. “After looking around, even though I could stand and walk around, I realized I was just as useless.”
“What happened next?” Ruger knew this wasn’t going to be pretty and braced himself.
The tone of Spencer’s voice became dull and emotionless. “Heartland came in and started to rape Craig. I threw myself at Heartland. He was a huge, muscled man, and once he had his hands on me, there was nothing I could do. I remember him behind me. My arms were screaming from being wedged between our bodies. There was pressure under my eye. Heartland started saying something in my ear, but I didn’t understand the words because the pressure turned into piercing pain. And then everything went red.”
Ruger rubbed his fingers through Spencer’s hair and over the back of his neck. He didn’t say anything sensing Spencer needed to get the rest out.
“I screamed and kept screaming when I felt pressure under the other eye,” Spencer continued. “Then Heartland was gone, and my body slammed into the floor. I didn’t stop screaming until something punched me in the guts. At first I thought Heartland had kicked me to shut me up. But it started burning, and people were shouting all around me. A stranger’s voice kept telling me to hold on and that help was coming. I felt more pressure, as if someone was holding something against my eyes and stomach. Everything was so confusing that I couldn’t understand what was happening.”
Spencer’s dialogue broke off, and he buried his head into Ruger’s chest. Ruger let him hide and waited for the tears to start. To his way of thinking, anyone would be sobbing after having gone through something like that.
Ruger put his hand on Spencer’s back. The man was breathing, but there wasn’t any other movement.
“Spencer,” Ruger said, trying to get some reaction out of the man. He needed to know one more thing.
“Yeah?” Spencer whispered.
“How did Terry manage to kidnap you?”
Ruger’s froze when Spencer answered, “Terry didn’t kidnap me.”
Chapter Six
Spencer looked around the large hospital suite at the group of people congregated there. A few weeks ago no one had visited him at the hospital except for Terry. Now there were eighteen people crowded in the room with Ruger and him. He knew this because he had counted them, twice. He had met them all at one time or another during a charity event or holiday celebration in Granite City. He had just never been alone with the entire clan before.
Most of the time, four or five different members of the group were in and out of his room throughout the day. For some reason, today all of them were here at the same time.
Somewhere during the explanation of why these people had traveled from Granite County to the university hospital in the first place, had become lost on Spencer. He was told when one of the team members of Rescue for Hire became injured, all of the employees and their partners stayed at the hospital until that person was released. After that, he had no idea why they were all there. Ruger was the employee, but he wasn’t hurt. Spencer was the one that was hurt, but he wasn’t an employee. In the end, Spencer gave up trying to figure it out and decided to enjoy the company. It might be taking the easy way out, but he didn’t have the energy to do anything else.
Ruger was back in his corner chair with the ever-present toothpick in his mouth. After his nap yesterday, Spencer had woken up alone in the bed. He was okay with that as long as Ruger was where he could see him. That was enough for Spencer.
Today Craig sat on the bed by Spencer’s hip, facing him. He was in the process of catching Spencer up on all the gossip.
“After Synn and I were married, my twin brother, Cooper, showed up. His ex had messed him up pretty good, and he was in rough shape. Bishop, from Synn’s unit in the military, took one look at him and decided they were a couple,” Craig said.
“It must be in the water,” Spencer commented.
Craig rolled his eyes. “You’re telling me. Synn claims that the earth’s magic in Granite County will find true love for those with pure souls, whatever that means. Anyway, the ex-showed up and attacked Kris Winters from the flower shop. Cooper’s Bishop ended up killing the ex in a fight.”
“Holy shit. I missed a lot,” Spencer said. He would have liked, for once, to see evil being defeated.
“Synn’s entire unit came to Granite City for Cooper and Bishop’s wedding, and so far none of them have left.” Craig’s face beamed as he continued updating Spencer. “Another member of the unit, Storm, ended up getting together with Kris Winters and Kris’s ex, Corey. The three of them are living together in Kris’s purple house. There are rumors floating around that another member, MD, and Fire Captain Dominic Naess are seeing each other. And now you and Ruger are together.”
Spencer glanced over at Ruger. “I wouldn’t go so far as to say we’re together.”
Craig waved his hand at Spencer. “Bull. You might as well give up now. The alphas around here always seem to get their way.”
Spencer jumped a good inch off the mattress in surprise, and winced when a burning stab sliced through his guts when a chorus of, “Yeps,” echoed through the room.
Looking around he saw all the partners of the Rescue for Hire team nodding their heads before they all burst out laughing.
The door opened, cutting the laughter off. Three law enforcement officers in full uniform stepped into the room. Craig slid off the bed and went to stand at the back of the room.
The clear leader of the three held out his hand to Spencer. “Mr. Ryland, I’m Investigator Rick Smitton, from the Mona Valley Police Department. These men are Investigators Stanger and Pierce. We were wondering if you had a few minutes to answer a few questions.”
Spencer shook the middle-aged man’s hand before asking, “What kind of questions do you have?”
The investigator glanced around the room before saying, “Maybe it would be be
tter if we had a bit of privacy.”
A shiver of fear made its way up Spencer’s spine. The thought of being alone with these strangers had his gaze darting over to the corner of the room and colliding with Ruger’s, who was now only steps away from his bed. A large hand enfolded his, and Spencer could breathe again.
The chaotic thoughts scrambling through Spencer’s brain settled when Ruger replaced Craig’s spot at his hip. Spencer looked over at his boss, Sheriff Steve Titan, and noted his frown and the pulse beating at his temple. Spencer had been a cop for two years, and his instincts were humming at the underlining hostility coming from the three newcomers in the room.
“Come on, guys. Let’s go see if we can find some halfway decent food in this joint.” Bret, Cade’s partner, voice broke through the growing tension.
Bret, Pip, Leo, Pete, Brad, and Flynn left the room. Craig nodded at Spencer. “I think I’ll go and check out that food too.”
That left the sheriff and the Rescue for Hire team. Spencer squeezed Ruger’s hand tighter, not knowing what to say as the strained silence dragged on.
Ruger spoke. “Ask your questions.”
“My questions are for Mr. Ryland. The rest of you can leave. This will only take a few minutes.” Investigator Smitton’s glance around the room held more than a little animosity.
Spencer decided to trust his gut and said, “I’d like Ruger, Steve, Cade, and Shane to stay. Whatever you have to ask or say can be said in front of them.” Spencer purposely used only the men’s first names. He knew when a cop’s actions were inauspicious it usually meant they had already found guilt somewhere. Spencer feared it had something to do with his rescue.
Jack, Treb, Damian, Alex, Tony, Gabriel, Rock, and Boone gave Spencer a smile or salute before the door shut behind them.
* * * *
Ruger was proud of Spencer for making a decision on who should stay in the room. For the last two weeks, Ruger had watched Spencer’s body struggle to heal while discarding the myriad of drugs Terry had introduced into his system. This had to be done while still giving him something to combat the pain and infection. At one point, the doctors had put Spencer’s body in a semi-coma while they put him on the breathing tube.
In the last two days, Spencer had been more coherent but slept most of the time. Ruger hadn’t had a chance to discuss what happened before and after the rescue. The Mona Valley Police Department questioned the need to rescue Spencer in the first place and had been making noises of giving the district attorney evidence to bring charges against Rescue for Hire.
“Mr. Ryland, it might be best if we spoke to you alone,” Smitton said. The man’s tone had grown cold.
The hand in Ruger’s tightened its grip. “Are you here to take my statement, or is this a formal interrogation?” Spencer asked.
Ruger rubbed his thumb against the skin on the back of Spencer’s hand in comfort.
“Is there a reason for us to interrogate you, Mr. Ryland?”
Ruger had enough of this bullshit. “Ask your questions or leave.”
Smitton’s pale blue eyes narrowed on Ruger. “And who are you?”
Ruger wanted to shove the heel of his hand into the man’s nose to adjust his attitude. Spencer’s body shifted against Ruger’s. “I’m Spencer’s partner and bodyguard.”
Behind the cops, Cade, Shane, and Steve smiled. Beside him, Spencer inhaled sharply. In front of Ruger, Smitton’s lip curled.
“I’d rethink my vocation if I were you, that is if your partner really was kidnaped,” Smitton commented. The snide emphasis on the word partner made Ruger’s blood boil.
Ruger stood and got into Smitton’s face. He ignored the shouts around him and Cade’s arm holding him back. Ruger looked right into the shorter, older man’s pale blue eyes and asked, “Do you want to get into a pissing match on who dropped the ball in Spencer’s disappearance?”
“Back off. I have no problem charging you with assault of an officer of the law.” Smitton’s bluster made him look like a Banty rooster trying to act tough.
“Then why don’t you act like a police officer and do your job properly?” Ruger responded.
“Don’t worry. I’m just waiting for the captain’s orders so I can bring you all in for trespassing, home invasion, assault, and anything else I can dig up.”
Ruger stepped back and smiled. Smitton’s nostrils flared before his face flushed, and his eyes bulged. The man was not happy that Ruger had outmaneuvered him and had gotten the information he was looking for. Just to remind the investigator he wasn’t dealing with morons, Ruger said, “Article 35.”
Article 35 was a New York statute. Generally, it stated that it was legal to break into a home if someone was in dire need. Other states had similar statutes, but the law enforcement community always referred to it as Article 35.
Ruger gave Spencer’s hand a squeeze before sitting on a chair next to the bed. He wanted to be able to see everyone’s expressions in the room. If Spencer started to look tired or upset, he would intervene and end the conversation. Spencer seemed to understand and gave him a brief smile.
“Investigator Smitton, what would you like to know?” Spencer asked, taking the glaring man’s attention away from Ruger.
Smitton pulled a small notebook out of his pocket and opened it. Ruger wondered if that notebook was a requirement for the job. While a few had changed to computer tablets or smartphones, most detectives and investigators seemed to stick with paper.
“Mr. Ryland, do you know a Terrance Butler?”
Spencer’s eyebrows lowered into a frown. “Is that Terry’s name?”
“According to my records, a Shane Miller called our police department and needed an ambulance sent to the home of Terrance Butler, 568 Concord Street to assist a man who was attacked and in distress. That man was you, Mr. Ryland.” A blank expression covered the investigator’s face. “Are telling me you were staying with a man whose name you didn’t know?”
“I knew his name was Terry,” Spencer answered.
“How did you meet this Terry, Mr. Ryland?”
“He came to my hospital room one day and introduced himself,” Spencer answered.
“What day of your hospital stay was that?”
“I don’t know,” Spencer answered.
Smitton scribbled in his notebook. When he looked up, there was a spark of interest in his eyes. Ruger was reminded of a lion waking up from a nap to see a gazelle walking in the distance.
“Can you explain why you don’t know how long you knew Terry?” Smitton asked.
“My eyes were covered. I had no concept of night or day except for when the nurses said good morning or good night.”
Spencer’s demeanor remained calm. There was no fidgeting, and his gaze stayed on the investigator’s face. Ruger’s body reacted to the inner strength Spencer was showing. He shifted his legs to relieve the pressure on his cock.
“Fair enough. What did you know about Terry?”
“That he used to visit his mother on a different floor. He said he read about me in the paper and thought he would visit me,” Spencer stated.
Ruger made a mental note to read that newspaper article to try and see what had intrigued Spencer’s kidnapper enough to seek him out.
“Did you know anything else?” The investigator stopped writing and looked at Spencer.
“No,” Spencer answered.
The investigator looked as though he wanted to ask more on that subject. Instead, he shook his head and looked down at his notebook before asking, “Did Terry take you out of the hospital against your will?”
Ruger’s body tensed. He longed to jump in and ask Spencer what he had been thinking at the time. Looking around the room, he saw everyone leaning forward.
Smitton sat up straight. In his mind, Ruger saw the lion stand ready to begin stalking the gazelle.
“Are you telling me that you willingly went to Terry’s house?” Smitton asked.
“No,” Spencer answ
“That doesn’t make sense, Mr. Ryland. Either you were willing or not.”
“Terry wanted to take me outside and enjoy the sunshine. When we got outside, he decided a ride in the car would be good for me,” Spencer said.
“Didn’t you find it suspicious he wanted to enjoy the sunshine at four in the morning?” Smitton’s sarcastic tone had Ruger back to wanting to give him a painful attitude adjustment.
Spencer snorted and pointed to his eyes. “Like I knew it was four in the morning.”
Smitton blinked before settling back in his chair and crossing one leg over the other. “While you were at Terry’s house, did you try to contact anyone to help you get away?”
Ruger tensed, waiting for Spencer’s answer. If this Terry had hurt Spencer or mistreated him enough to scare him into staying at that house, Ruger was going to pay him a visit at the jail.
More than one person in the room gasped. One of Smitton’s eyebrows rose until it was halfway to his forehead. Ruger despised the triumphant smile the man was trying to control.
“You stated that you did not willingly go to Terrance Butler’s house, yet now you say you didn’t try to leave. Why, Mr. Ryland? Why wouldn’t you try to escape?
Chapter Seven
Spencer could see everyone in the room was waiting for his answer. He refused to lie, but he knew his answer wasn’t going to be the one his friends wanted. Part of Spencer wished he were still full of those drugs that had screwed with his mind.
He took a deep breath before saying, “Because I didn’t care.”
Investigator Smitton snorted. The two policemen behind him shuffled their feet. Spencer saw the concern on the Steve’s, Cade’s, and Shane’s faces. Ruger’s face was empty of expression.
Gritting his teeth, Spencer turned his head away from everyone and looked at the wall.
“Mr. Ryland…”
“Enough,” Ruger interrupted.